Peace-of-Mind for only $29.99

Highlight aspects of your life often missed in traditional estate planning. An essential companion to your will!

Step-by-Step Life Organizer

Your will doesn't cover everything. This workbook outlines important and often overlooked areas of your life.

Memberships & Clubs

Compile all membership and club details for easy cancellation or transfer.

Major Responsibilities

List all professional and personal responsibilities so relevant individuals can be alerted.

Personal Details

Record usernames, passwords and other personal information for any profiles.

Obituary & Wishes

Provide important details so your loved ones know the best way to honor you.

Health Care

Compile all health care information to ensure your wishes are recorded and honored.

Legal Documents

Collect and file copies of your will and other pertinent legal information.

Financial Information

Include records of all financial documents and contacts, as well as clear instructions.

Taxes & Investments

Organize recent tax returns and provide investment documents and instructions.

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The Departing Details Workbook has been distributed in 23 countries, 48 U.S. States and all 10 Canadian Provinces.

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About the Author

Rosemary Pahl

A gift for her family following the death of her parents and a close friend.
Rosemary Pahl RN, MBA was President and CEO of hospitals in Edmonton, Vancouver and Toronto.  In addition, she was also COO of a railtour company and CFO of a national law firm prior to retiring.  
Following the deaths of her elderly parents and a close friend, she learned firsthand how overwhelming it can be to wrap up a loved one's estate without the necessary information. She created the first copy of The Departing Details Workbook as a gift for her family.
Read Her Full Story
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Flexible Format

Simple tabbed format allows you to add new sections and make updates easily. View purchase options.

Logical & Easy to Use

To the point questions and easy to follow forms - no legal speak. Fill in the blanks on your computer or physically fill out printed documents.

Companion to Your Will

Covers important details rarely outlined in your will, all in one central spot. This is the complete after-death checklist.
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